Kaptain - GUI フロントエンド作成ツール

Kaptain は grep や find などの GUI フロントエンドを自動作成するツール。
ユーザがそのダイアログに値を入力して OK ボタンを押すと、文法に従ったコマンドが出力される。
例.以下は GNU ls の定義ファイル。


# This makes the shell execute kaptain.
# For kaptain, it's just another rule.
# The advantage is, that the bang with the fixed path is not needed.
# It would be nice, if a `:' at the beginning of a line was recognized
# as comment character
exec "kaptain" "$0" "$@"
    -> @;

start "List Short" -> descr ecommand buttons;

descr -> @text (
"GUI interface to the famous `ls' (list short) command."
ecommand -> "e_cmd () { echo \"cmd # $1\"; eval \"$1\"; }; e_cmd '" command "'";

command -> "ls" args;

args -> scope fformat forder fmoreargs;

scope :horizontal :framed -> hidden recursion;

hidden "Hidden files" "Show files starting with a period" -> all | almostall | !nohidden;
all "all" "Do not hide entries starting with ." -> " -a";
almostall "almost all" "Do not list implied . and .." -> " -A";
nohidden "no hidden files" "Do not show hidden files" -> @;

recursion "Recursion" -> recurse | !norecurse | nodirs;
recurse  "Recurse" "Recurse into subdirectories" -> " -R";
norecurse "Normal" "Do not recurse into subdirectories" -> @;
nodirs "Directory entries" "List directory entries instead of contents" -> " -d";

fformat :framed -> format;
format :horizontal "Format" -> col type;

col :horizontal -> single | long | ! columns;
single "Single" "Single column output" -> " -1";
long "Long" "Long listing format" -> " -l";
columns "Columns" "Standard multi-column format" -> @;

type "Classify" "Append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries" -> " -F"| @;

forder :framed -> order;
order :double "Order" -> time | extension | version | size | !none | filesys;
extension "Extension" -> " --sort=extension";
size "Size" -> " --sort=size";
filesys "File system" -> " --sort=none";
time "Time" -> " --sort=time";
version "Version" -> " --sort=version";
none "Name" -> @;

fmoreargs :framed -> moreargs;
moreargs "Arguments" -> useargs;

useargs :horizontal "Use" -> !@ | " " @string="${KAPTAIN_SCRIPT_ARGS}";

buttons:horizontal -> @echo( command )="Echo" @action(ecommand)="Do it!" @close="Dismiss" help;

help :dialog "Help" -> @edit( "courier", 500, 400 )=`mf () { sed 's,.,,g;'; }; PAGER=cat man ls | mf` @close="OK";

#help :dialog "Help" -> @edit("courier")=`ls --help` @close="OK";
#help :dialog "Help" -> @text( `ls --help` ) @close="OK";

# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# End:

これを ls.kaptn という名前で保存して、コマンドラインから

kaptain ls.kaptn

(find の定義にはバグがあったけど)。

Linux App Finder (ここで見つけた)
Linux Gazette の解説。