
ヘルプファイルの1行目にマルチバイト文字があると UTF-8 とみなされると nakadaira さんが言っていた部分:

/* Help files are either utf-8 or latin1.  Try utf-8 first, if this
 * fails it must be latin1.
 * Always do this when 'encoding' is "utf-8".  Otherwise only do
 * this when needed to avoid [converted] remarks all the time.
 * It is needed when the first line contains non-ASCII characters.
 * That is only in *.??x files. */

問答無用で UTF-8 になるようにしておく。

--- ../src.orig/fileio.c        2007-05-28 11:46:12.940219500 +0900
+++ fileio.c    2007-07-02 18:12:36.126456000 +0900
@@ -825,6 +825,8 @@
            fc = fname[STRLEN(fname) - 1];
            if (TOLOWER_ASC(fc) == 'x')
+               c = TRUE;
+#if 0
                /* Read the first line (and a bit more).  Immediately rewind to
                 * the start of the file.  If the read() fails "len" is -1. */
                len = vim_read(fd, firstline, 80);
@@ -835,6 +837,7 @@
                        c = TRUE;