GNU utils


ld - the GNU linker.
as - the GNU assembler.
addr2line - Converts addresses into filenames and line numbers.
ar - A utility for creating, modifying and extracting from archives.
c++filt - Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols.
gprof - Displays profiling information.
nlmconv - Converts object code into an NLM.
nm - Lists symbols from object files.
objcopy - Copys and translates object files.
objdump - Displays information from object files.
ranlib - Generates an index to the contents of an archive.
readelf - Displays information from any ELF format object file.
size - Lists the section sizes of an object or archive file.
strings - Lists printable strings from files.
strip - Discards symbols.
windres - A compiler for Windows resource files.


fileutils, sysutils, textutils を1つにまとめたパッケージ。




chgrp - Changes file group ownership.
chown - Changes file ownership.
chmod - Changes file permissions.
cp - Copies files.
dd - Copies and converts a file.
df - Shows disk free space on filesystems.
dir - Gives a brief directory listing.
dircolors - Setup program for the color output of GNU ls.
du - Shows disk usage on filesystems.
install - Copies file and sets its permissions.
ln - Creates file links.
ls - Lists directory contents.
mkdir - Creates directories.
mkfifo - Creates FIFOs (named pipes).
mknod - Creates special files.
mv - Moves files.
rm - Removes (deletes) files.
rmdir - Removes empty directories.
shred - Destroy data in files.
sync - Synchronizes filesystem buffers and disk.
touch - Changes file timestamps.
vdir - Long directory listing.