
find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
locate - list files in databases that match a pattern
updatedb - update a file name database
xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input




mkid: (id-utils)mkid invocation. Creating an ID database.
lid: (id-utils)lid invocation. Matching words and patterns.
fid: (id-utils)fid invocation. Listing a file's tokens.
fnid: (id-utils)fnid invocation. Looking up file names.
xtokid: (id-utils)xtokid invocation. Testing mkid scanners.


ftp, ftpd, rcp, rexec, rlogin, rlogind, rsh, rshd, syslog, syslogd, talk, talkd, telnet, telnetd, tftp, tftpd, and uucpd


pop3d, imap4d, comsatd, mail, frm, messages, readmsg, guimb, sieve, mail.local, mail.remote, movemail, and a subset of mh utilities



basename- removes the path prefix from a given pathname
chroot- changes the root directory
date- prints the system date and time
dirname- removes the last level or filename from a pathname
echo- prints a line of text
env- displays/modifies the environment
expr- evaluates expressions
factor- prints prime factor
false- returns an unsuccessful exit status
groups- prints the groups the user belongs to
hostname- prints or sets the machine name
id- print real/effective/ uid/gid
logname- prints current login name
nice- modifies scheduling priority
nohup- lets a command keep running after logging out
pathchk- checks file name portability
pinky- lightweight 'finger' program; prints user information
printenv- prints environment variables
printf- formats and prints data
pwd- prints the working (current) directory
seq- prints numeric sequences
sleep- suspends execution for a specified time
stty- prints/changes terminal settings
su- lets you adopt the ID of another user or superuser
tee- sends output to multiple files
test- evaluates an expression
true- returns a successful exit status
tty- prints terminal name
uname- prints system information
uptime- tells how long the system has been running
users- prints current user names
who- prints a list of all users currently logged in
whoami- prints effective user ID
yes- prints a string indefinitely


tabs - sets hardware terminal tab settings


cat - concatenate files and print to the standard output
cksum - checksum and count the bytes in a file
comm - compare two sorted files line by line
csplit - split a file into sections determined by context lines
cut - remove sections from each line of files
expand - convert tabs to spaces
fmt - simple optimal text formatter
fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
join - join lines of two files on a common field
md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
nl - number lines of files
od - dump files in octal and other formats
paste - merge lines of files
pr - convert text files for printing
ptx - produce a permuted index of file contents
sort - sort lines of text files
split - split a file into pieces
sum - checksum and count the blocks in a file
tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
tail - output the last part of files
tr - translate or delete characters
tsort - perform topological sort
unexpand - convert spaces to tabs
uniq - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
wc - print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files
head - output the first part of files